What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy - the energy that is all around us. The Usui system of Natural Healing is named after its Japanese founder, Mikao Usui. Benefits of Reiki are:
Lightening stress and pain.
Increased confidence and self esteem.
Alleviation of physical and mental/emotional tiredness.
Accelerating natural healing.
Self help- Bringing our health and well being under our control.
Balancing of subtle body energies.
Promoting relaxation
Revitalising the mind, body and spirit and promoting general well being.
By channelling energy into the body, through touch, it activates our natural healing abilities which in turn increases our inner strength and growth. It is a powerful system of healing for restoring and naturally balancing energies within the individual. At the level where Reiki functions anything can be changed. There is no creed or doctrine with Reiki, no special skills are required, it is natural, non intrusive and anyone can receive or learn it.
The only way to know Reiki is to experience it.
Everything is energy. The world around us, yourself, sound, light - even the chair you are sitting on. People vibrate at a much lower rate than sound and light, which is how we come to form into tangible physical matter. It is possible to feel the benefits of sound and light, even though we cannot touch them. Following this principle, Reiki works at a higher vibration again, and as one receives it, it has the power to cleanse an individual's energy fields - moving the denser energy blockages out of their system, "lightening" them up. Reiki is non-invasive, the recipient remainds fully clothed and no special circumstances are necessary to receive a treatment. Once a person is trained into the energy, they are able to access this healing energy whenever they wish.
Training Into Reiki >>
The Oldham Reiki Network
The reiki network Oldham The homepage of the Oldham Reiki Network what is reiki? Leza McLean, Reiki Master Teacher The Reiki network - contacts contact the oldham reiki network oldham The reiki network Oldham
